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[校園實習計畫] Applications Engineering Intern
美商英特格有限公司台灣分公司 電子/半導體&設計/光電/家電
職缺類型 實習 / 有薪實習
職務類別 其他/ Others(請於工作內容詳述職務類別)
工作地點 台灣地區 / 新竹縣
工作地址 新竹縣竹東鎮中興路4段669號1F
需求人數 1 人
國籍需求 本國籍
學系需求 理工
薪資待遇 月薪 40,000 至 55,000 元
起訖日 2022/01/10 ~ 2022/01/31
Traits we believe make a strong candidate:
• Enjoy lab work and have basic knowledge in instrument analytical field.
• Detail orientated, able to record/analyze quantitative data and make qualitative observations where required.
• Desired Major: Chemistry/Chemical Engineering
• Must be enrolled in an undergraduate/graduate program with a graduation date of December 2022 or later.
In this role you will:
• Collect comments from team members cross function, survey new technology from the industry and brainstorm together to define their potential to apply on photo application.
• Get involved in test plan setting, sample preparation, test processing, data processing and get presentation material ready.
*Please upload your English resume, either in word of PDF file is acceptable