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[2025正職及預聘]技術行銷工程師 Technical Sales Engineer (TSE) - 海內外輪調培訓
德州儀器工業股份有限公司 電子/半導體&設計/光電/家電
職缺類型 徵才 / 全職
職務類別 其他/ Others(請於工作內容詳述職務類別)
工作地點 台灣地區 / 臺北市
工作地址 台北市松山區敦化北路168號
需求人數 4 人
國籍需求 本國籍
學系需求 理工
薪資待遇 面議
起訖日 2024/10/25 ~ 2025/04/01

 電機、電子相關科系學士以上學歷, "或" 理工相關科系曾修習電子學及電路學相關課程者


• Define the opportunity at each of your accounts, including understanding the complete list of customer projects, content opportunities, and decision-makers

• Understand your numbers, including baseline vs. new project revenue (NPR) at each customer; have your numbers grounded in project plans

• Find and kick off all your projects at customers proactively; find projects early

• Create action plans to maximize TI content at each account and on each customer project; follow-up once projects are in production with a closed-loop BOM (Bill of Materials) process

• Be able to maximize TI revenue through understanding of supply chains, revenue tracking and competitor displacement opportunities

• Leverage all the available sales tools, customer intelligence, and resources to properly analyze, prioritize, and disposition activity into opportunities




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