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【ADATA 2025 Internship Program】 Internship Category-Sales (intern)-South Africa language
威剛科技股份有限公司 電子/半導體&設計/光電/家電
職缺類型 實習 / 有薪實習
職務類別 其他/ Others(請於工作內容詳述職務類別)
工作地點 台灣地區 / 不限
工作地址 25th Floor, No. 533, Tammei Street, Neihu District, Taipei City
需求人數 1 人
國籍需求 外國籍
學系需求 不拘
薪資待遇 時薪 200 至 200 元
起訖日 2024/12/04 ~ 2025/01/15

A.Language skills:
*[English] Listening/Speaking/Reading/Writing: Excellent
*[Chinese] Listening/Speaking/Reading/Writing: Excellent
*Third Language: Speak any third language from below will be considered as priority
[Afrikaans] Listening/Speaking/Reading/Writing: Excellent
[French] Listening/Speaking/Reading/Writing: Excellent
[Arabic] Listening/Speaking/Reading/Writing: Excellent
[Swahili] Listening/Speaking/Reading/Writing: Excellent
[Hausa] Listening/Speaking/Reading/Writing: Excellent
[Zulu] Listening/Speaking/Reading/Writing: Excellent
B.Able to use Word/Excel/PowerPpoint

C.Trait : positive, outgoing, proactive, quick reaction, responsible and great team worker.

Eligible students:graduating class of 06/2025

Internship Period:2025/02/17~2025/06/30 Maximum work hours is 20/week (subject to student course schedule)

After the internship, you need to go back to your home country and serve as a local sales representative for ADATA.


1.Market Survey
2.New Lead Development
3.Local Info collection


其他應徵方式及備註: 1. 104 Application
2. Go to the 2025 ADATA Internship Program website https://event.adata.com/2025-ADATA-internship-program/, download and fill in the ADATA Word resume and send it to HR@adata.com


 Work time:日班,Flexible work hours (clock-in time: 08:00-10:30, clock-out time: 17:00-19:30, 1 workday = 8 work hours + 1 hour lunch break)
