徵才 公告日期:2025/01/02起訖日:2025/01/02 ~ 2025/02/28 清職網代發佈
2025 美光 Microverse 下午茶活動

Microverse - 美光多元探索日

加入我們,走進 Micron  Universe!這是一場屬於多元與創新的特別活動,我們將以輕鬆的下午茶形式,邀請你近距離直接與我們互動,並感受美光獨有的職場文化。無論你對於科技業的職涯仍在探索,或是已經立下明確的目標,這場活動都將為你提供寶貴的職場見解和靈感,讓你在未來的職涯路上更加篤定!


• 與美光員工深入交流,了解女性在科技業的職場故事與挑戰
• 發掘多元職涯的可能性,感受美光的包容與創新文化






0219 15:00-16:30 北部場次:Louisa Coffee (台大卓越門市)

0221 15:00-16:30 南部場次:Bottoms Up 喝起來

0225 15:00-16:30 北部場次:Louisa Coffee (清大旺宏館店)

0226 15:00-16:30 中部場次:樹瓦藝術


🌟 與美光員工面對面交流
🎯 鼓勵報名同步投遞履歷,優先媒合於3月校園現場面試

報名方式:點擊 報名連結 立即報名,開啟你的職涯探索旅程!

趕快手刀報名!在 Microverse,我們期待與來自不同背景的你一起探討多元的職涯可能性,共創美好的未來!



Microverse - Micron Diversity Exploration Day

Join us and step into Micron
's universe!
Through a casual afternoon tea session, you
'll have the opportunity to connect directly with Micron employees, learn how women in tech shine in the workplace, and experience Micron's dedication to fostering a diverse and inclusive culture. Whether you're still exploring your career in tech or want to understand more about Micron's work environment, this event will be a key milestone on your career journey!

Through a casual afternoon tea session, you will have the opportunity to:

 Engage deeply with Micron employees to learn about the stories and challenges of women in tech
 Discover diverse career possibilities and experience Micron's inclusive and innovative culture

Special Note:
This event will be conducted entirely in Mandarin and will focus on the theme of women in technology. However, all students interested in this topic are welcome to join and experience the diversity and excitement of the workplace.

Students interested in tech careers and enrolled in STEM or business-related fields are welcome to apply.
(Spots are limited, and priority will be given to senior students or above. Successful registrants will be notified via email.)


0219 15:00-16:30  Taipei SessionLouisa Coffee (台大卓越門市)

0221 15:00-16:30  Southern Taiwan SessionBottoms Up 喝起來

0225 15:00-16:30  Hsinchu SessionLouisa Coffee (清大旺宏館店)

0226 15:00-16:30  Central Taiwan Session:樹瓦藝術

Event Highlights:

 Face-to-face interaction with Micron employees
• Casual afternoon tea to gain insights into the daily life of the tech workplace
 Encouragement to submit your resume during registration for priority matching and on-campus interviews in March

How to Register:
Click the
 registration link now to start your career exploration journey!

At Microverse, we invite you to join this career exploration journey and showcase your potential and enthusiasm!